Day Care Centers
Changing lives through education

Our focus
Our focus is on children who are less privileged, those who are on the streets, the rural poor and village children who have no access to academic prospects. We do this by giving them hope and an opportunity.
We believe that education is the most effective tool which helps children build a strong foundation, enabling them to free themselves from the vicious cycle of ignorance, poverty and disease.
Tender Heart’s journey has been one where we’ve crossed many hurdles, shared many smiles, wiped away many tears and stood our ground with pride in molding and building up children and making citizens for a better tomorrow.
Three of our day centres are situated in the south of Goa where the main railway passes through, bringing with it countless migrants. The children of these migrant families wander around the streets begging and working for very little money, usually only to satisfy their parents’ alcohol addictions. Others pass their time sniffing solvents or getting into trouble with shop owners and the police.
They have no access to any education or proper healthcare and do not even possess a birth certificate as their parents are unaware of the need to register their children.
We will help any child who is in distress or at risk irrespective of their background or religion.
In North Karnataka, we focus on village children who cannot afford an English education.
From 2009 to 2020, we were able to send over 1500 children to mainstream school. At present, a total of 240 children are studying in the Day Care Centres.